Judea Harvest Namibia

Judea Harvest Namibia is a not-for-gain company with its main focus of taking the church to the people by means of tents.

The Vision

To be a witness for Jesus Christ throughout Namibia by taking ​the Church to the people by means of tents.

The Mission

Taking the church to people by:

  • using tents for church planting and outreach events
  • establishing a network of ministries throughout Namibia
  • identifying, training and empowering Pastors, Evangelists ​and church planters
  • placing a tent at the disposal of every city and town in ​Namibia
  • engaging in community upliftment

Contact ​Information


Plot 1, Osona, Okahandja, Namibia

Email Address


Phone Number

+2​64 81 143 1669